
Does Your Insurer Have a Duty to Defend Your Business?

A key consideration in developing a litigation strategy is whether or not insurance coverage applies to the causes of action at issue, which is important for both parties. For the plaintiff, coverage can mean that he has a greater chance of collecting on his judgment if it is going to be paid from insurance proceeds. For the insured defendant, insurance coverage can provide reassurance that, if any monetary judgment is awarded against him, he will not have to satisfy it from his own assets. Equally important, his policy will also probably stipulate that the insurer will provide him with an attorney and legal defense for any claims covered by the policy.Boards must have the authority to implement/ratify and enforce the rules of the community. This authority must come from the Associations’ governing documents. We suggest the Association’s rules are reviewed by counsel. We can assist you with this for a reasonable fee. Call our office today at 386-310-7997.